Community Action Team (CAT)
Prince Georges County is committed to decreasing infant mortality and improving pregnancy outcomes in our community. The Prince George’s County Community Action Team (CAT) brings key stakeholders from the community together such as key community leaders, public health agencies and providers, human service providers, health care providers, and consumer/advocacy groups to create public health interventions that address trends in infant mortality.
In response to identified trends in factors that contribute to maternal and infant health outcomes, the Community Action Team:
- Develops new and creative solutions to improve services and resources for families from the recommendations made by the case review team
- Enhances the credibility and visibility of issues related to parents, infants, and families within the broader community by informing stakeholders about the need for these actions.
- Works with the community to implement interventions that will improve services and resources.
- Determines if the needs of the community are changing over time and determines if current interventions should be added or altered to meet the needs.
- Safeguards successful FIMR system changes from being discontinued in the future.
- Compiles reports and presentations to validate needs when indicated.
Current Projects/Initiatives
Safe Sleep Campaign
To decrease the number of sleep-related deaths for infants under one year of age in Prince George’s County.
Prenatal Education
Pilot program collaborating with two community-based home visiting programs to enhance prenatal education with high-risk moms during pregnancy. The program collaborates with the Healthy Beginnings program with nurse support when needed.
This project is evaluating current practices for bereavement care and resources after women in Prince George’s County experience a loss (fetal or infant). The project team will then propose a standardized process to ensure that all women receive the same resources and support while in the hospital and after returning to the community.
Are you passionate about improving the health and well-being of women and infants in Prince George’s County? The Community Action Team needs your innovation, creativity, and dedication to assist us as we work to impact infant mortality and pregnancy outcomes in our community.
New team members are always welcome! For more information or to attend the next meeting please contact us by email at maternalhealth@co.pg.md.us.
Meeting Schedule (July 2019 - June 2020)
The Community Action Team meets every other month on the fourth Wednesday.
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Cheverly Health Department
3003 Hospital Dr., 1st Floor Conference Room
Cheverly, MD 20785
- July 24, 2019
- October 23, 2019
- December 18, 2019
- February 26, 2020
- April 22, 2020
- June 24, 2020