Dine, Learn & Move
Dine, Learn & Move is a FREE 11-month program currently being presented online by a partnership between M-NCPPC Department of Parks and Recreation Prince George’s County, Prince George’s County Health Department, Suburban Hospital and the University of Maryland, Capital Region Health. The program aims to promote healthy eating, active living and reinforce health behaviors in order to reduce the prevalence of various chronic diseases amongst county residents. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Prince George’s County and half of adults are not active or are insufficiently active
(sources: 2021 Maryland Vital Statistics Administration Annual Report; 2022 Maryland BRFSS).
Program Overview
The goal of Dine, Learn & Move is to reduce the incidence and prevalence of cardiovascular disease and related conditions of overweight and obesity affecting Prince George’s County residents. The online sessions are one hour and 30 minutes long. The program consists of three separate parts. During the first segment of the program, participants will be asked to join a live physical activity led by a certified fitness instructor. The second segment of the program will be live, where participants will learn about healthy eating tips from a Registered Dietitian. Lastly, participants will see a live step-by-step healthy food demonstrations led by a trained chef. As a follow-up, participants will an email with the link to view the program's recording and a copy of the recipes and handouts.
Dine, Learn & Move aims to promote healthy lifestyle habits by exposing county residents to physical activity, health, and nutrition education. Dine, Learn & Move participants have opportunity to reduce their risk of chronic diseases as they:
- Learn new healthy recipes during live food demonstrations with a trained chef
- Discuss the latest trends in nutrition with a Registered Dietician
- Exercise with a certified fitness-instructor
Join us and learn simple, everyday tips for increasing physical activity and making healthy meal choices with Dine, Learn & Move online.
This is a FREE program currently offered online. Registration is required. Contact WellnessInfo@co.pg.md.us to register and for additional details.
Class Schedule
Download the 2025 Dine, Learn & Move program schedule.
*Courtesy of Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC)