Property Taxes
The Elderly Property Tax Credit application portal will reopen on May 01, 2025, for NEW submissions for tax year July 01, 2025 - June 30, 2026 (FY2026).
The Treasury customer service counter is open for walk-in payments from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday through Friday.
The Treasury also offers a walk-up payment slot located in the left wall at the front entrance of 1301 McCormick Drive. The payment slot is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Checks, money orders, cashier’s checks and credit card payments are accepted for current year taxes. The Treasury no longer accepts cash payments.
The Treasury customer service phone line at 301-952-4030 is open from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Your Tax Bill
Your tax bill is issued in July each year. Taxes are subject to interest and penalty if not received by the date shown on the front of your bill. Real property taxes that remain unpaid by the second Monday in May will be sold to the highest bidder at the County's annual tax sale. Failure to receive a tax bill will not relieve the taxpayer from paying taxes, interest and penalty.
Assessment & Tax Rate
Your assessment and tax rate are shown on the front of your tax bill. To calculate your bill, multiply the assessment by the tax rate, divide by 100, add any charges - the result should equal the amount due.
To view your property assessment information, search the State's property assessment database State Search
The Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation makes tax credits available to qualified individuals. Contact that office for information about the Homeowner's Tax Credit, Homestead Tax Credit, 100% Disabled Veteran Exemption or Blind Exemption. The telephone number is 301-952-2500 or online.
You may have 1 or more charges on your tax bill:
- Front Foot Benefit - the cost of installing sewer and/or water pipes under the street adjacent to the property (for further information, contact the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission 301-206-8032)
- Solid Waste Service - providing trash pickup and/or support of various waste programs (for further information, contact the Department of the Environment 301-952-7630)
- Tax Lien - a charge to enforce unpaid taxes, fines, etc. for State, County and Municipal governments (for further information, contact the Treasury Division at 301-952-4030)
Tax bills must be paid by September 30th in full unless paying semiannually. Semiannual payments are offered for owner-occupied residential property only. Your tax bill must have the statement "Principal Residence" on it.
Payments may then be made in 2 equal installments - the first by September 30th and the second by December 31st.
Submitting Payments
Online Payments
Pay by e-check, debit card or credit card. Service fees: $1.50 for e-check, $3.95 for Visa Debit and 2.45% for all other credit/debit cards will be applied.
Pay By Phone
Pay over the phone with debit/credit card or e-check by calling 855-516-1830 (additional fees apply).
Regular Mail
Payments must be made payable to Prince George's County and may be mailed to:
Prince George's County, Maryland
P.O. Box 70526 Philadelphia, PA 19176-0526
(please include original bill stub with payment to ensure timely posting to your property tax account)
24 Hour Payment Slot / Walk-in Payments
(9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
Wayne K. Curry Administration Building
1301 McCormick Drive, Suite 1100
Largo, MD 20774
Only checks, money orders or cashier's checks will be accepted (NO CASH).
During peak payment periods, end of September and December, a drive-up drop box will be available.
Overnight Payments
Prince George's County Treasury Division
7600 Jefferson Avenue
Landover, MD 20785