9-1-1 Emergency Communications
We are an internationally accredited 9-1-1 center staffed with 197 civilian personnel working together as 9-1-1 call takers, law enforcement and fire/EMS dispatchers, trainers, supervisors, MPIA processors, career development coordinators, administrators, managers, technical staff, and radio communication specialists.
Behavioral & Mental Health Providers
The behavioral health of residents is a high priority in Prince George’s County. This listing of Behavioral and Mental Health Providers is designed to help you locate providers in your community that offer services that will help you, your family, and your community to become healthier and happier.
County Council
All legislative powers of the county are vested in the County Council. The County Council also sits as the District Council on zoning and land use matters, and as the Board of Health on health policy matters.
County Departments/Personnel
Prince George's County is always working for you. Learn about how our many offices and departments can help meet your needs.
Fire/EMS Department
We promote safety, provide the highest quality of fire prevention, fire protection, emergency medical services, and community outreach programs.
Materials Recycling Facility
We are a processing facility for single-stream collection, defined as placing all recyclable materials into one container/bin for curbside pick-up. Ours is a much more efficient and convenient collection method for County citizens and residents.
Prince George's County 311 can help with most service types from food safety violations to reporting abandoned vehicles. Use the PGC311 website or mobile app to submit requests 24/7.
Police Department
We are the fourth largest law enforcement agency in Maryland, providing a full range of law enforcement services to County residents and business owners. Contact the offices of the Prince George's County Police Department.
Staff Directory
Search the Staff Directory by department or people.