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HIV / AIDS Program

A black woman holding the red HIV/AIDS ribbon.

HIV/AIDS Program (HAP) is responsible for providing comprehensive, quality, HIV medical care to persons living with HIV/AIDS who are uninsured or underinsured. Assistance is provided to help clients access services for living healthy with HIV/AIDS. The program also provides confidential HIV counseling, testing and referral (CTR) services to the public in an effort that everyone knows their HIV status and can prevent the spread of the HIV virus.

For those needing PrEP, a once daily pill for HIV negative individuals to prevent from getting HIV, our PrEP clinic provides education, PrEP navigation, PrEP medication and monitoring. Visit the PrEP Program for more information. 

To assure a continuum of care that ensures access, rapid engagement, retention re-engagement and coordination of care and support services HAP offers a centralized, "one-stop shopping" model of care. Additionally, HAP maintains strong service coordination and linkages to community-based service organizations, hospital, and other private providers.

Client Eligibility

Any resident of Maryland, which includes the counties of Prince George’s, Montgomery, Charles,
Calvert or Frederick County, who is HIV positive and is uninsured or underinsured based on criteria determined by the Federal Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act.


HIV testing services are free, once confirmed HIV-positive clients are evaluated according to their
current financial status. Low-cost and some free services are available.


The staff for the HAP Program consists of physicians, nurses, social workers, nutritionists,
psychologist, psychiatrist, mental health counselors, substance abuse counselors, dentist,
counseling and testing health educators, ancillary health and administrative


The HIV/AIDS (HAP) Program offers services from a team of highly trained physicians and nurses to support a diverse group of HIV infected individuals and their families including:

  • Initial Comprehensive Health Assessment/Medical Treatment
  • Detailed health assessment, including a physical exam and laboratory tests
  • Personal medical treatment plan to address health education, medication, and nutrition needs.
  • Specialized care and referrals to other services like housing and utility assistance. 
  • Women’s Clinic - Medical care designed to meet the needs of women, lab tests including pap smears, cervical cancer screening, mammograms, STD treatment, and disease prevention education.


  • Routine and Advanced HIV Disease Clinic - Medical care for people who are HIV positive and those with advanced stages of AIDS disease.
  • Case Management - Coordination of total client care, personalized assistance to clients and their families on how to live with HIV. Case Management includes health education, emergency financial assistance, transportation assistance to medical appointments, HIV medication assistance, and referrals for housing assistance and other social services.
  • Health and Wellness group presentations.
  • Dental Clinic - Comprehensive dental care includes preventive and restorative dental services, with an emphasis on prevention and early intervention.
  • Nutrition Counseling A health professional with special training in nutrition helps people make healthy food choices and form healthy eating habits.
  • Substance Use Counseling - Counseling for HIV infected clients with substance use problems, in individual and group settings. Prevention for Positives - Disease prevention education. Counseling and Testing Services - FREE, confidential and anonymous HIV testing and counseling services by appointment or walk-in. Different HIV tests available. One test provides results within 20 minutes. The oral swab test does not require use of a needle. Standard blood test, available upon request.

Hours of Operation & Locations

For more information and hours of operation please call 301-583-3700

The HAP Program has two service locations:

Cheverly Health Center 
3003 Hospital Drive, Suite 1055
Cheverly, Maryland 20785

D. Leonard Dyer Regional Health Center
9314 Piscataway Road
Clinton, Maryland 20735

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3003 Hospital Drive
Suite 1055
Cheverly, MD 20785