Strategic Purchasing & Efficient Evaluation Domain (SPEED)

SPEED is Prince George’s County’s portal to provide information to all suppliers transacting with the County. Prince George’s County utilizes the Ariba Network to manage and transact with its suppliers and vendors. You must be registered as an Ariba Supplier to respond to a County solicitation.
Registration should be completed at least 48 hours before a bid submission is due.
Registration Assistance
Ariba provides support to suppliers similar to that provided to end-users where they can advise suppliers on standard functionality.
Supplier support via phone is available from Sunday 8 pm EST through Friday 8 pm EST by calling 1-866-218-2155 and selecting from the menu of options specific to your current need including questions regarding:
- Registration for or participation in a sourcing event, proposals, tenders, and contract workspaces
- Assistance in logging into your account or if you need of a username and/or password
In addition, a supplier/vendor can log into their Ariba Network account and clicking on Login and entering their User Name and Password. A supplier may create an ‘incident’ to request support on the topics listed above. Supplier Support is also accessible from the supplier login screen by clicking on the “?” to open the Help Center and then clicking on “Support” where key topics will be displayed. Additionally, there is Documentation for reference to other topics of interest to suppliers.
Want to Setup a Meeting?
Are you a vendor seeking an opportunity to meet with Contracts Administration and Procurement? We have established Vendor Day just for you.
Vendor Day is an outreach effort to afford vendors an opportunity to meet with County staff and introduce their company to the County. Vendor Day provides the Vendor a set time (not to exceed an hour) and date to perform a demonstration of their company’s capability/capacity or to ask questions about “How to Win Business with the County”. This is an informal meeting with a member of Supplier Development and Diversity Division (SD3), Contracts Administration and Procurement (CAP), and a representative of the relevant County Agency.
To schedule a meeting, please submit your request and questionnaire using the vendor meeting request form.