Data & Reports

Data is a key part of understanding the overall health of Prince George’s County, and to help plan for the needs of our residents. The following reports and presentations have been produced to make health data widely available. While every effort is made to provide the most recent data, it is important to note that good data takes time to collect, review and analyze, and publish. To see the most current data for a variety of health issues, please visit the PGC Health Zone.
PGC HealthZone
Prince George’s County health and population data are available at Prince George's County Health Zone. This site contains searchable data at the County and ZIP Code levels and includes information about hospitalizations, deaths, births, and many other indicators.
Reports & Fact Sheets
The following reports, fact sheets, and presentations archives are listed by topic area and are available to download and print.
- Community Needs Assessments
- County Health Rankings
- Domestic Violence
- Health Report
- Heart Disease
- Influenza (Flu)
- Maternal & Infant Health
- Substance Use & Overdoses
- Obesity
Data Resources
Visit these websites for additional data information and resources.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - (Data, statistics, tools and resources)
- County Health Rankings - (Data snapshot of health influences by location)
- Healthy People 2030 - (National health goals and progress indicators)
- Maryland Department of Health, Vital Statistics Administration - (Birth and Death Data)
- Maryland Youth Risk Behavior Survey - (Health behaviors in middle and high school students)
- Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - (Health behaviors in adults)
Request Data
To request Prince George's County health data, send an email to the Office of Assessment and Planning Health-OAP@co.pg.md.us.