Rental Housing Licenses
All Prince George’s County Rental Housing Licenses listed below are processed in Momentum. The following Prince George’s County Environmental and Food Health Permits and Licenses are processed in Momentum. For information and instructions on the Momentum process, please review the Momentum page or go directly to the Momentum portal to start your business license application. All required documents need to be uploaded into Momentum. Rental Licensing started in Momentum on Oct. 13, 2020. (Before the implementation of Momentum, all Rental Licenses were issued in ePermits.)
- Multifamily Rental Licenses
- Single-Family Rental Licenses
- Short-Term Rental Licenses
- Short-Term Rental Host
- Short-Term Rental Platform
For renewals, review the step-by-step Rental Housing License Renewal User Manual and the How to Renew Your Existing Rental Housing License Guide.
STOP: Read the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Rental Requirements
- Residential Rental Property Lead Law Compliance Checklist - MDE (PDF)
- Maryland's Lead Law Fact Sheets 2022 (PDF)
- MDE Title 1 Subtitle 5 Local Government Article (PDF)
- MDE Title 6 Subtitle 8 Environmental Article (PDF)
Jurisdictional Responsibilities
- All Short-Term Rental Licenses are administered by DPIE's Enforcement Division.
- All Single-Family and Multifamily Rental Licenses are also administered by DPIE's Enforcement Division, except for certain municipalities. To verify if your municipality falls under this exception, please look up your property address in the State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) Real Property Search link. You will need to apply with your municipality, if the following municipalities/towns are listed under the "Town" column on the SDAT page: Berwyn Heights, Bowie, Brentwood, Capitol Heights, Cheverly, College Park, District Heights, Edmonston, Forest Heights, Greenbelt, Hyattsville, Landover Hills, Mount Rainier, New Carrollton, Riverdale Park, Seat Pleasant, Town of Laurel and University Park.
Rental Licenses Contact Information
For questions and assistance regarding Prince George's County single-family, multifamily and short-term Rental Housing Licenses, email dpierentallicenses@co.pg.md.us.