Building Permits
The Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement (DPIE) is offering customers online tools to increase the speed, accuracy and convenience of the building permitting process.
Building Permit Application Form Completed Online
Building Permit applications are completed online. Please go to Momentum portal; enter the information directly into the County’s Permitting System; and print three (3) copies of the computer-generated application prior to visiting the Permits Center. (Printers are NOT available onsite for customers.)
Once the application is completed online, the customer’s information is entered directly into the County’s permitting system without the need for a staff member to retype the information. In addition, customers can upload building plans for review via our ePlan online application. This eliminates the need for customers to bring paper plans to our offices for many types of permits.
Revisions and applications for blocks of Building Permits that include more than four (4) case numbers will continue to be accepted for processing using the appropriate forms (i.e., Application for Building Plan Examination and Permit, Transmittal, Sign Permit Application and/or Volume Form). If you have questions about the process, please call 301-636-2050.
Building Permit Applications and Plans are not accepted at DPIE through the mail. Building Applications and Plans may be submitted in person at 9400 Peppercorn Place, 1st Floor, Largo, MD 20774 or through our electronic plan (ePlan) review process. For questions pertaining to the ePlan review and submission process, please e-mail us at eplan@co.pg.md.us or call.
Related Documents
The following links provide helpful information to guides and a "How to" video.
- ePlan Applicant Quick Start Guide — This guide provides a short overview of the process.
- ePlan User Guide — This guide is for those who started applications prior to January 2020.
- ePlan Applicant User Guide 2.0 — This guide is for those who started applications during or after January 2020.
- ePlan System Applicant Training Video — This video provides a step-by-step visual guide through the ePlan process.