Single-Family & Multifamily Housing Enforcement

Minimum Requirements for Dwelling Units
- Exterior properties and premises should be maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition.
- Exterior properties should be free from weeds and grass in excess of 12 inches.
- Plant growth must not obstruct walkways, sidewalks, streets, adjoining driveways and/or the house numbers identifying the address of the dwelling.
- Exterior walls should be free of holes, breaks and loose or rotting materials.
- Exterior wood surfaces should be painted or covered with a protective treatment.
- Peeling, flaking or chipped paint should be removed and surfaces repainted.
- Wooden surfaces should be free of loose and flaking paint.
- Metal surfaces with rust or corrosion should be coated with a protective treatment.
- Structures and exterior properties should be free from rodent infestation.
- Open storage of any household appliance, motor vehicle parts, building materials, furniture, dead trees, garbage or similar items is prohibited.
- Walkways, stairs, driveways and parking spaces must be kept free of unsafe and hazardous conditions, and sidewalks must be cleared of snow and ice.
- Not more than one motor vehicle that is wrecked, dismantled, inoperable or unlicensed is allowed on a property; and the one vehicle that is allowed must be inside a closed garage.
- Properties must be maintained free of graffiti.
- Gutters and downspouts must be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions.
- Firewood stored on a property must be neatly stacked and a minimum of 18" above the ground or 6" above an approved weed-free surface.
- Swimming pools on a property must be maintained in good working order.
- Fences must be maintained in good condition, and fence gates must be operational.
- Yards must be stabilized (grass or other approved cover) and graded to prevent accumulation of water or erosion.
- Stairways, decks and balconies must be maintained in a safe condition.
- Glass windows and doors must be free of cracks or voids.
- Windows designed to be opened must be operable and able to remain open by the window hardware.

Anti-Litter & Weed Ordinance
Prince George's County's Clean Lot Code addresses violations concerning high grass and weeds over 12 inches in height, as well as trash, debris and unlicensed, wrecked, dismantled or inoperable vehicles on vacant properties not located within an incorporated area (municipality). This Ordinance allows for abatement of conditions by the County and a lien to be placed on the property for the cost of abatement, if the owner does not comply.
Issues associated with vacant lots within a municipality should be addressed to the city or town office. The Code is not applicable to land over one acre in size that does not abut other parcels less than one acre in size.
Required Removal of Snow and Ice from Sidewalks
Prince George's County's Abutter's Ordinance (PDF) addresses the responsibility of the owner or lessor of a residential dwelling or commercial property abutting a sidewalk to remove snow and ice from the sidewalk within 48 hours after snow has fallen or ice has formed. Please click on the following link to read Sec. 23-150 of the County Code.
How to File a Complaint
To file a complaint, please call PGC311 at 3-1-1. Include the address of the property in question and a brief description of the complaint.