Employee Mandatory Training
Annual County Employee Mandatory Online Training
The Office of Human Resources (OHRM) Learning, Performance, and Organizational Development Division (LPOD) requires County employees to complete Annual Compliance Education (ACE) Mandatory Training. This annual training is a requirement for all County employees to support professional development and ensure employees are apprised of pertinent information on a consistent basis.
FY 2025 Annual Compliance Education (ACE) Mandatory Training
Annual Compliance Education is mandatory trainings assigned at the discretion of OHRM on at least an annual basis. In addition to ensuring that all County employees complete annual compliance courses, LPOD is excited to provide additional course offerings.
1. Effectively Resolve Conflict (20 min.)
2. Workplace Communication Basic 1 & 2 (30 min. each)
3. Harassment Prevention for Employees (20 min.)
4. Online Employee Emergency Preparedness Training (45 min.)
5. HIPAA Overview Training (20 min.)
6. Language Access Compliance Program: Data Collection and Reporting for Public Facing Employees (30 min.)
Mandatory Manager and Supervisor Training Series
This program covers critical foundational skills for supervisors and managers that can be applied immediately in the workplace. This is a hybrid training program. Some of the trainings are offered on NEOGOV, while others are in-person.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Supervisors, new managers, or experienced managers needing a refresher. This training is required for new managers. New managers will be required to complete the training program within 3 months of the hire date.
1. Accountability for Supervisors
2. Effective Feedback Strategies
3. How to be an Ally for Diversity and Inclusion
4. How to Have Difficult Conversations
5. Emotional Intelligence
6. Performance Management
7. ADA for Supervisors
8. Workplace Communication
9. Progressive Discipline (In-Person)
10. DEI Four Corners Training (In-Person)
How to Complete Required Trainings
County employees will be assigned the learning plan and are required to complete the trainings listed below online in the County Learning Management System (LMS).
Instructions on how to navigate and perform specific actions in the LMS are on the County Learning and
Development website, including:
How to Login to NEOGOV Learn | Instruction Guide |
How to Enroll in a Course | Instruction Guide |
How to Complete an Online Course | Instruction Guide |
How to Complete a Survey | Instruction Guide |
How to Drop (Withdraw) from a Course | Instruction Guide |
How to Access Transcript and Course Certificate | Instruction Guide |
Access the Learning Plan
You may access the learning plan from your NEOGOV Dashboard.
Please contact your Agency Training Coordinator or the LPOD Division at LPOD@co.pg.md.us if you have any questions or issues completing the training.