Grievance Process
Grievance Process
Employee and Labor Relations provides support for both employees and supervisors through neutral and unbiased information, feedback, and guidance regarding workplace grievances. We are committed to ensuring all employees, former employees, and applicants receive an equitable review of their employment complaints.
There are two (2) grievance processes available to most employees depending on their employee status:
- Administrative Procedure 220-Grievance, Adverse Action, and Appeals Procedure
- Labor Union Collective Bargaining Agreement Grievances
Outlined below is the Administrative Procedure 220-Grievance, Adverse Action, and Appeals Procedure. For information on how to file a labor union grievance please review the employees applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Administrative Procedure 220 Grievance Procedure
First, the grieving employee should speak with their supervisor to attempt to resolve the issue. If you need to continue with the Grievance Process:
Step 1: The grieving employee must make a reasonable effort (discuss and mediate grievance immediately with their supervisor or other appropriate party) to resolve grievance.
Step 2: Submit a written grievance to the responsible official using the Grievance Form including the relief requested within a reasonable period of time after becoming aware of the issue. When grieving a written personnel action (e.g., performance evaluation, or employment application, exams, or any standards documents), the grievance must be submitted within five (5) working days of receipt of final action.
Step 3: The responsible official investigates the complaint and responds in writing within 14 calendar days of receipt of grievance.
Step 4: The grieving employee may submit the grievance, with responsible official’s response, to OHRM Director if:
- Actions taken are contrary County Administrative Procedures or County Personnel Law.
- Must submit within five (5) working days from response of Responsible Official.
- The responsible official not responding within the 14 calendar day timeframe.
- Must submit within five (5) working days of the date responsible official was to respond.
- Non-execution of the remedy agreed to by the responsible official.
- Must submit within five (5) working days of receipt of response.
- Actions taken are contrary County Administrative Procedures or County Personnel Law.
Step 5: The OHRM Director investigates complaint and responds in writing within 14 calendar days.
- Step 6: The grieving employee may submit an appeal to the Office of the Personnel Board.
- Intent to appeal must be filed within fine (5) working days from receipt of OHRM Director.
Grievances and Appeal Form and any written supporting documents must be submitted within ten (10) working days from the filing of the intent to appeal.
Step 7: Office of the Personnel Board will schedule an Appeals Hearing within 30 calendar days of receipt of initial grievance appeal.
- The Appeal Hearing shall be scheduled within 60 calendar days after receipt of appeal.
- Step 8: The grieving employee may appeal decision to the Circuit Court.
- Grievant must file with the Circuit within 30 calendar days of the decision from the Office of the Personnel Board. The decision of the Circuit Court shall be the final decision.
Collaborative Problem Solving may be requested at any stage of the grievance process if agreed to by both parties. Use the Collaborative Problem Solving Request Form.
Resolving Adverse Actions and Appeals
- Adverse actions are not subject to grievance.
- An employee serving the initial probationary period may not appeal a termination.
- The appeals process for resolving an adverse action and resolving a non-grievance appeal is outlined in Administrative Procedure 220.