Brown Station Road Sanitary Landfill
The Brown Station Road Sanitary Landfill is owned and operated by the Prince George's County Government. This site accepts material from county citizens, residents and local businesses only. Proof of residency is required. Businesses must prove in county generation of waste. The landfill is permitted by the Maryland Department of the Environment and accepts only municipal solid waste.
Public Convenience Centers
County citizens and residents, who wish to dispose of trash and/or recycle, may use one of the county-owned and operated drop-off facilities.
Electronics Recycling Acceptance Site
Learn about the items accepted at the county's Electronics Recycling Acceptance Site.
Household Hazardous Waste Acceptance Site
Know where to bring your Household Hazardous Waste.
Materials Recycling Facility
The Prince George's County Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) opened in October of 1993 and is a 65,000-foot facility. Renovations to convert the MRF into a process facility for single-stream collection was completed September 2007.
Organics Composting Facility
Prince George's County manages the Prince George's County Yard Trim Composting Facility and contracts with the Maryland Environmental Service (MES) to operate the facility.