Business Recycling Plan & Report
What is the difference between a Plan and an Annual Report?
- A Plan identifies the (a) Types of Designated Recyclable Materials to be Collected, (b) A Collection System for the designated recyclable materials (single-stream containers, etc.), and (c) How are you promoting your Recycle Program?
- An Annual Report accounts for (a) The Amount of Designated Recyclable Materials Collected, (b) The Method of Collection (Single Stream, etc.), and (c) Disposal Method of Material (Name of Hauler Company).
The form for Commercial, Industrial and Multi-family Properties is both the Plan AND Annual Report. Regardless of when your Plan was submitted during the year, you must submit the Annual Report as stated.
Annual Forms
The Resource Recovery Division is working towards discontinuing paper forms, but we understand that some users prefer a hard copy to complete. If you require a paper document to complete by hand, please contact our office at recyclingplan@co.pg.md.us.
If you are a Business Entity and recycling material OTHER THAN the designated recyclable materials, please contact our office at recyclingplan@co.pg.md.us.
***Commercial, Industrial, & Multi-family properties are to submit, yearly, between January 1 – end of February an Annual Report which accounts for the amount of designated recyclable materials collected for the previous year.
Reminder of Annual Recycling Report