Speakers and Interactive Displays for Community Groups
DoE’s interactive programs are available on a first come – first served basis. There is no charge. To schedule a program, contact Carole Barth at 301-883-3264 or cabarth@co.pg.md.us.
Speakers for Community Groups
Need a lively speaker? We provide the following presentations:
- Turn Your Community Green with Trees: Is your neighborhood getting all the benefits (economic, social and environmental) it can from trees? Find out how the Tree ReLEAF Grant Program can transform public or private common areas with native trees and shrubs.
- Get Paid to Clean Up Stormwater Runoff: Learn how to successfully navigate the Rain Check Rebate Program and how to lower your clean water fee.
Interactive Displays for Events & Schools
Interactive displays bring sustainable “edutainment” to your school or event. Each display can be adjusted for different age groups from elementary school-aged children to adults. The following interactive displays are currently available:
- The Pet Poop Game challenges participants to safely dispose of pet waste. It’s a memorable way to illustrate why pet waste poses both environmental and health hazards.
- Roots and Branches: Tree Games celebrate the many benefits provided by trees. From Leaf Flash Cards to Tree Jeopardy, these compelling games bring out the “tree hugger” in all of us.
- The Enviroscape is a model watershed that demonstrates how rainwater becomes polluted and what we can do to be better watershed stewards. Learn the “three S’s” of stormwater: slow it down, spread it out and soak it in.
- Plinko makes learning about sustainability and our environment fun and exciting. Competing individually or as a team, participants answer questions about trees, water, pet waste, and other issues that affect our quality of life. Test your knowledge and compete for prizes!
- Invasive Plant ID Bingo is a novel way to learn about imported plants that escape cultivation and damage natural ecosystems. Managing invasive vines is critical for tree survival.
- The Tree ID Activity de-mystifies tree identification. The average American child can recognize 1000 corporate logos but can’t identify 10 plants or animals native to his or her region. Learning to ID trees deepens our connection to nature.
- The Versatile Vinegar Demonstration invites participants to create their own highly-effective green cleaners from simple, affordable ingredients. The demonstration also includes tips for avoiding cleaners that decrease indoor air quality.
- Art& Crafts: Leaf rubbings, coloring pages, puzzles, and other hands-on activities, engage children and give them a visible reminder of what they learned.
- The Trash Game invites you to guess how long it takes for various objects to degrade and emphasizes the importance of waste reduction, recycling, and proper waste disposal. Learn how to “slam dunk the junk” and keep your school or community litter-free.