Collection Licensing
**The current Solid Waste and/or Recycling Collection Vehicle Permit expires on September 30, 2024. All collection vehicles must pass a Health Department Inspection and provide documentation prior to obtaining permit. All collection/hauler businesses must be licensed or re-licensed.**
As mandated by CR-116-1991, "No Recyclable Material or Solid Waste generated in Prince George's County shall be transported by any person over any public highway or street within Prince George's County, unless it is contained in a vehicle for which there is a valid registration issued by the Department of the Environment. The registration card shall state the name of the vehicle owner, the description and serial number of the vehicle, Maryland vehicle license or state apportioned tag number and the county refuse collection vehicle registration number.“
Procedure for Obtaining Collection Licenses & Registration Cards
All applications for a Collector's License and individual vehicle registration cards to be used for the collection and hauling of Solid Waste or Recyclable Material, shall be submitted through the Department of the Environment by emailing vehiclepermits@co.pg.md.us
CASH PAYMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Fees must be paid by check or money order made payable to: Prince George’s County, Maryland. Fees are due upon receipt of permits.
All licenses will be issued from the Recycling Section at the following address:
Recycling Section
9200 Basil Court
Suite 300
Largo, MD 20774
An appointment to pick up permits is required. To establish an appointment please send an email to vehiclepermits@co.pg.md.us
License(s) will be issued by appointment only on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (no exceptions).
Class I Collection Vehicles Licenses which do not require a Health Department Inspection may obtain licenses from the Recycling Section beginning Tuesday, August 20,2024 by appointment only.
Class II, Class III and Class IV License(s) which require Health Department Inspection may obtain their licenses from the Recycling Section beginning Tuesday, September 3, 2024 through September 30, 2024 by appointment only.
Appointments must be made in advance by emailing VehiclePermits@co.pg.md.us.
These licenses may not be sold or reassigned to any other party. A separate license is required for each vehicle. As part of the annual renewal of a Collector's License, a vehicle inspection through the Health Department is required for all Class II, III and IV vehicles. Applications for a Collector's License must be made annually by September 30. Please see inspection and permitting schedule by clicking here.
Description & Cost of Collector's License & Vehicle Registration
Collector’s (Business) License - Fee: $50
A Collector’s License is a license for your business that is required to be obtained by any owner of commercial vehicle(s) used to collect and transport any type of Solid Wastes* or Recyclable Materials**. This license is for the business and not the vehicle, and must be renewed annually. You must have this license to obtain a Refuse/Recycling Collection Vehicle License, subject to the following:
- If you collect and transport solid waste or recyclable materials for others and as your primary business, this license must be renewed each year.
- If you transport (not collect) solid waste and/or recyclables for yourself or for your business only, this is a one-time fee.
You may complete and print the online form to bring to the office by clicking here.
Class I Collection Vehicle - DOES NOT require a Health Department Inspection - Fee: $100 - A BEIGE sticker will be issued: A Class I Collection Vehicle License is required to be obtained by any owner of a commercial vehicle used to collect paper waste products which are not contaminated by food or liquid (paper collected in a dual steam method, not mixed with bottles and cans or any other types of waste), construction/demolition debris, or yard waste/landscape debris (grass, leaves, and brush). Vehicles used only to collect and transport paper, or yard trim, bulky items such as furniture, construction, and demolition (C&D) debris DO NOT require a Health Department Inspection unless otherwise deemed necessary by the Health Department.
Class II Collection Vehicle - REQUIRES a Health Department Inspection - Fee: $275 - A CHARCOAL sticker will be issued for Landfill and Composting Facility access (food scraps and or food scraps mixed in with yard trim). A SKY BLUE sticker will be issued for Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) access, Organics Composting Facility (OCF) access and Bulky ONLY at the Landfill (NO TRASH ACCESS - if hauling household trash and household recyclables, a Class III is required): A Class II Collection Vehicle License is required to be obtained by any owner of a commercial vehicle used to collect Solid Waste* OR Recyclable Material** not both. All Class II Vehicles REQUIRE Health Department Inspection.
Class III Collection Vehicle - REQUIRES a Health Department Inspection - Fee: $350 - A GOLDENROD sticker for access to ALL facilities: A Class III Collection Vehicle License is required by any owner of a commercial vehicle that may be used to collect BOTH Solid Waste* AND Recyclable Material**. Vehicles collecting and transporting these types of materials REQUIRE Health Department Inspection.
Class IV Collection Vehicle - Fee: No Charge - A EMERALD GREEN sticker for access to ALL facilities: A Class IV Collection Vehicle License is only applicable to in-County government-owned vehicles and REQUIRE a Health Department Inspection for wastes identified under Class II or III. Local In-Prince George’s County Government (License Fee Waived).
*Solid Wastes include trash, garbage, rubbish, offal, industrial and commercial refuse and food product wastes not source separated for organics composting.
**Recyclable Materials include plastics 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7, bi-metal containers such as vegetable cans and aluminum soda cans, paper, corrugated cardboard, paperboard, glass food and beverage containers (including bottles and jars). Recyclable materials may also include scrap metal and rigid plastics, not collected within a typical single-stream recycling collection program, such as empty flowerpots, 5-gallon sized water jugs/bottles, children’s plastic toys, etc.
Documentation to bring with you to renew your licenses:
- Collector’s (Business) License form (which must be completed in its entirety), if applicable. You may complete and print the online form to bring to the office by clicking here.
- All copies of the Health Department Vehicle License Inspection, if applicable.
- Current (unexpired) Maryland State or acceptable apportioned vehicle registration card or a photocopy for each vehicle license to be renewed. The Office of Law has determined that only those vehicles with Maryland or acceptable apportioned registrations from other jurisdictions can be issued refuse collection licenses from the County.
- Therefore, if a vehicle is not registered by a motor vehicle administration, you must first obtain a valid registration within the state where the vehicle is being registered.
- For each vehicle, bring the current Recycling/Refuse Collection Vehicle Identification card that was issued by the Recycling Section.
- All hauling companies doing business within Prince George’s County must register at least one collection vehicle as a Class II Recycling Only, or Class III Refuse AND Recycling or show evidence of an agreement or contract for providing recycling services through another entity.
- County contractors who service residential trash and recycling collections should have Class III stickers to ensure access to the Materials Recycling Facility, Organics Composting Facility, and County Landfill, including permitting all required spare trucks.
- NO CASH OR CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Payments shall be made by check or money order, payable to Prince George’s County, Maryland.