Yard Trim Collection
Curbside yard trim collection occurs yearly on Mondays, except on certain holidays (see the collection schedule at the bottom of the page). Only residents receiving County-collected trash and recycling services can participate in yard trim collection. Residents should place their carts at the curb by 6 a.m.
Yard trim includes grass clippings, leaves, small branches, brush, and Christmas trees (December through January).
Food scraps are collected and can be co-mingled with yard trim through our PGC Composts program. However, food-related items must be placed in the county-issued 32-gallon wheeled green cart. For more information about yard trim collection, contact PGC311.
Effective January 1, 2014, plastic bags are no longer accepted in yard trim collection. Residents should place their yard trim loose in a collection can or use large yard paper bags, a trash can marked "Yard Trim" or "Yard Waste," or the County-issued 32-gallon "organics" wheeled cart.
Disposal of Yard Trim
If you receive County-provided curbside collection services, yard trim must be placed at the curb for pickup by 6 a.m. on Mondays. Yard trim can also be delivered and dropped off at the Brown Station Road Drop-off Convenience Center at 3501 Brown Station Road. Upper Marlboro, MD 20772, is open Mondays through Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
**The convenience center does not accept commercial vehicles, box trucks, or trailers. **
The County also operates the Prince George’s County Organics Composting Facility at 6550 Maude Savoy Brown Road Upper Marlboro, MD 20772, open Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. However, this facility is for commercial traffic and is not necessarily conducive to residential vehicular traffic (due to the significant truck traffic and heavy equipment). Should residents have a large volume of yard trim to dispose of and need to utilize the composting facility, please note that the facility is open Tuesday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Additionally, be aware that a minimum tip fee will be charged. The overall tip fee depends on the total weight of the disposed material. Only electronic transactions are accepted.
Residents with a large amount of yard trim to dispose of on Saturday may utilize the Brown Station Road Sanitary Landfill at 11611 White House Road. Upper Marlboro, MD 20774, between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., as the composting facility is closed on weekends.
**The landfill does not accept yard trim during the week (Monday through Friday). Tip fees apply. **
Acceptable Containers
Yard trim may be placed in heavy-duty paper bags, trash cans with handles and a secure lid, or the County-issued 32-gallon "Organics" green wheeled cart. Residents may purchase cans that must be labeled "Yard Waste" or "Yard Trim" to ensure collection.
**Cardboard boxes are not acceptable containers. **
Items Collected
Limbs, Grass, and Leaves
Limbs collected curbside must not exceed 4 feet in length and 3 inches in diameter and must be securely tied in bundles. Bundles of limbs, bags, and/or cans of dry grass and leaves must weigh less than 60 pounds. Wet grass and leaves must weigh less than 25 pounds.
Bamboo is not accepted in curbside collection. Bamboo should be tied in bundles no longer than 4 feet and placed with household trash for collection.
Once the yard trim/waste is collected, it is taken to the Prince George's County Organics Composting Facility. This county-owned and operated composting facility processes over 50,000 tons of yard trim and organics annually.
Yard Trim Collection Holiday Schedule
Compost materials (food scraps and yard trim) collection services are NOT provided on the following holidays:
- New Year's Day
- Memorial Day
- Labor Day
View a full holiday schedule for trash, recycling, and yard trim/food scrap collection.
For more information on collection services, contact PGC311.
Missed Collections/Complaints
To report a missed yard trim/waste collection, please contact PGC311 after 5:00 p.m. on the collection day.
To register a yard trim/waste complaint, please contact PGC311 during business hours on Tuesday from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. (Yard trim/waste collection complaints will not be received after 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday).
To report a missed food composting collection, please get in touch with PGC311 after noon on the day of collection (Monday).