Materials Recycling Facility
1000 Ritchie Road Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Commercial vehicles only. NO private vehicles allowed.
The Prince George's County Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) opened in October of 1993 and is a 65,000-foot facility. Renovations to convert the MRF into a processing facility for single-stream collection were completed in September 2007. Single stream collection, defined as the placement of all recyclable materials into one container/bin for curbside pick-up, is a much more efficient and convenient method of collection for County citizens and residents.
Recyclables no longer need to be separated by the citizens and residents. All materials may now be collected, mixed together and processed at the facility. Watch them!
Residents may see their recycling contractors placing all materials in one truck. Paper and commingled recycling will not be separated as in the past. County recycling contractors may utilize compactor trucks to collect the recyclables at curbside and deliver them to the MRF.
Advantages to Single-Stream System
Advantages converting to a single-stream system include:
- Technological advances
- Easy and convenient to county residents and citizens
- Increased recycling rate
- Reduced collection cost
- Increased types of material collected
Single-stream recycling program in Prince George’s County
The primary functions of the MRF are to remove contaminants, separate paper by grade, segregate ferrous and aluminum containers, and divide plastic by resin type. Once separated, the glass, aluminum, steel plastic and paper are baled or crushed and shipped to end markets.
Tours at the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) have resumed and are available to the public, including schools, colleges, civic and church groups, scout troops, Federal Agencies and foreign delegations. For further information and to schedule a tour, please contact the MRF at 301-324-4760. Tours are conducted Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.