Commission for Veterans
- The 1st Monday of every month (except when national holidays conflict) at 7:00 PM
- Join the Meeting
The general public is invited to attend all monthly meetings. Doing so, they can play an intricate part in the growth and success of the Commission.
- Gregory Jackson - Chair
- Darrell C. Odom. Sr. (VFW) - Vice Chair
- Kenneth Hafford (Vietnam Veterans of America)
- Richard Hollis (Military Order of the Purple Heart)
- Glynn Parker (Disabled Veterans of America)
- LaShonda Henderson
- Ethel Sligh
- Michael Riddick
- James Childs, Jr. (AMVETS)
- Henry W. Harris (DAV)
Dr. Gerald D. George (Marine Corps)
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
View All Agendas and Minutes | Subscribe to Agendas and Minutes
Mission & Vision
The mission of the Commission for Veterans is to elevate, develop and promote new and existing programs and services for Veterans and their families within Prince George’s County. It’s our vision that Prince George’s County offers our Veterans quality services and programs to ensure the enrichment and enhancement of life for our men and women and their families.
News and Programs
Identity Theft Recovery Booklet - Learn more about how to protect your identity.
Did you know? On average, 20 - 22 veterans commit suicide each day. Help us spread awareness for those who may need help.
One of our top five initiatives is Mental Health.
- Learn about the signs of mental health conditions and substance abuse.
- Make the Connection - Hear stories of recovery from veterans just like you.
- Cohen Veterans Network - Helping veterans and their families make it back to better.