Polices & Requirements
Business Policies
The following policies apply to companies that contract with Housing Authority Prince George's County (HAPGC):
The following policies apply to companies that contract with Housing Authority Prince George's County (HAPGC):
- You must work to receive payment. HAPGC does not pay in advance.
- HAPGC processes payments within 30 days of invoice receipt if you meet all HAPGC compliance requirements.
- You may invoice materials delivered on site before installation.
- You must submit certified payrolls every week on federally funded projects, even if no work is done.
- HAPGC may interview up to 10% of project workers to verify their employer's wage rates.
- You must include taxes on materials in bids for prevailing wage projects.
- Before work starts, both you and HAPGC must sign contracts, and HAPGC must issue the notice to proceed.
- HAPGC uses AIA contracts for many large construction projects.
- HAPGC uses Invitation for bid (IFB), requests for proposals (RFPs) and qualifications (RFQs) for construction and maintenance projects . We use these requests for all professional services contracts.
Bidder / Contractor Requirements
As a bidder or contractor, you must:
- Have a license to do business in the State of Maryland.
- Have at least 3 years in business under the same name or ownership group.
- Have required insurance coverage and workmen's compensation insurance for employees.
- Have an federal Tax Identification number.
- Have a Maryland state business tax registration number.
- Not appear on any state or federal debarment lists.
- Be current with payments to the IRS and the state's Labor and Industries, Revenue, and Employment Security departments.
- Maintain minimum insurance. In most cases this means $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate for general liability. HAPGC also normally requires $1 million per accident (combined single limit) for both auto liability and worker's compensation. We may require higher limits or more coverage, depending on the type of work you will do. You must name HAPGC as an additional primary/non-contributory insured. All coverage applies equally to subcontractors.
Construction & Maintenance Requirements
In addition to the requirements listed above, construction and maintenance firms must also, but not limited to :
- Obtain bid bonds for projects of more than $100,000.
- Obtain payment/performance bonds for 100% of the job value for projects of more than $100,000.
- Agree to retainage of 5% or 10%.
- Pay Davis-Bacon wages and submit certified payrolls for projects of more than $2,000.
- Pay Maryland state and regional prevailing wages for non-federally funded projects at HAPGC-owned properties.