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Senior Rental Assistance Pilot (SRAP) Program Now Accepting Applications!


LANDOVER, MD – The new Senior Rental Assistance Pilot Program (SRAP) is now accepting applications. Developed under County senior living assistance legislation and funded through a one-time investment by the State of Maryland, this program will provide eligible seniors with financial assistance to address a rental hardship.

“It is our goal to make sure every resident of Prince George’s County has safe, stable housing that allows them to thrive, which is why we are so excited to launch this all-new program to help our seniors,” said Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks.

SRAP is designed to benefit seniors ages 65 and above who have been Prince George’s County residents for at least five years and are renters with a lease or sublease in their name. To qualify, applicants must demonstrate a tenant household income that is at or below 40% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).

Administered by the Department of Social Services, in collaboration with the Department of Family Services and the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, SRAP offers assistance with covering one month's rental arrearage. Eligible seniors may apply twice within a 12-month period, with a maximum assistance limit of $2,500.



What is the Senior Rental Assistance Pilot (SRAP)?

The Senior Rental Assistance pilot provides financial assistance to renters age 65 and older who are experiencing a financial difficulty. 

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What Are the Eligibility Requirements?

To be eligible for assistance, the applicant must:

  • Have lived in Prince George’s County for at least 5 years prior to filing an SRAP application;
  • Currently reside in a rental property located in Prince George’s County and have a legally binding lease or sublease in their name;
  • Be age 65 or older at the time of application; 
  • Have a total household income equivalent to or less than 40% Area Median Income "AMI" for the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria Metropolitan Statistical Area (2023-MD-Income-Limits.pdf (; and
  • Have a documented rental hardship.

Households with income at or below 30 percent of the AMI or those who have a scheduled eviction, health crisis or severe food insecurity are prioritized for assistance. 


What Can SRAP Cover?

Tenants may apply for financial assistance for one month’s rent as documented on their current lease / sub-lease agreement. Households may apply for assistance no more than two times in a period of one (1) year and must meet SRAP eligibility criteria at the time of each application.  Provision of SRAP assistance cannot exceed a combined total of 2 months and a maximum cumulative benefit of $2,500. The one (1) year coverage period begins on the date the first application is approved.   

Note: Residential rental assistance may not be awarded to multiple tenants domiciled in a single residential rental property simultaneously. Only one rental assistance award per residential rental property may be in effect at any given time.


What supporting documents do I need to provide with my SRAP application?

  • Picture ID including date of birth
  • Social Security Card(s)
  • Proof of income
  • Copy of current lease
  • Proof of rental hardship (i.e.; writ for eviction, court summons, past due notice)

What supporting documents will you need from my landlord?

  • W-9 
  • Current rent ledger

Can Someone Help Me with the Application?

The Prince George's County Department of Social Services has partnered with the Department of Family Services to assist county tenants with completing the application.  To request assistance, email


Begin a New Application

Begin a New Application

Once you have completed the application, please sign and submit with all required supporting documentation (see list above) via email to 


**Please note that the submission of an application does not guarantee approval for SRAP assistance.  All applications are carefully reviewed and must meet eligibility requirements. Applications are also subject to the availability of funding at the time of processing.**

Prioritization Criteria and Methodology

SRAP applications are prioritized based on lowest income and greatest vulnerability using the following matrix:

Priority 1:        0% - $40% AMI + Imminent scheduled eviction, immediate health crisis and/or severe food insecurity

Priority 2:        0%-30% AMI + Court summons, notice to vacate and/or documented disability 

Priority 3:        0%-30% AMI + rental arrearage

Priority 4:        30%-40% AMI + rental arrearage