Temporary Cash Assistance Program
Low-Income Cash Assistance
The Prince George’s County Department of Social Services is dedicated to helping low-income families and individuals living in Prince George’s County move to establish self-sufficiency.
Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) provides cash assistance to needy families with dependent children when available resources do not fully address the family's needs, and while preparing program participants for independence through work.
Applicants must meet all financial and technical eligibility factors must be met prior to issuance of benefits.
The program has a requirement for all work eligible applicants to seek employment and participate fully in work requirement activities from the day they apply for benefits. Additionally, all applicants must document cooperation with child support and compliance with substance abuse provisions.
Please Note
Families with minor children can receive TCA for a total of 60 months (5 years) over a lifetime. Sanctions may be imposed for not complying with program requirements.
To find out if you qualify for this program, you may apply online at My DHR or visit one of the Local Offices.
Interpretation Services
Interpretation Services are available free of charge for limited English proficiency customers. Please contact one of the Local Offices for assistance.