Community Services
The Community Services Division provides programs that help families who have had an unforeseen emergency and offers support that assists families to become more stable and self-sufficient. Our goal is to assist in the independence and stability of Prince George’s County families. We can provide information and/or assist you with the following:
- Homeless Services
- If you are experiencing an episode of homelessness and need shelter, please contact the homeless hotline at 1-888-731-0999
- If you believe a person is experiencing homelessness and is staying in a place not meant for human habitation, please use this google form link: https://forms.gle/sCVAdEqBwwV1Wpbf6 to make a referral to our street outreach team.
- Energy Programs: Provides County residents with a grant to assist with their utility bills and information on how to decrease energy costs. Visit Energy Saving Tips to get information on conserving energy costs.
Food Programs: Provides County residents with numbers to the closest food pantry or other food programs.
For more information about the Community Services programs please call 301-909-6330.
Interpretation Services are available for non-English speaking customers. Please contact us at 301-909-7000 for assistance.