Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds are used to address the specific needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. The District of Columbia Department of Health (DOH), HIV/AIDS Hepatitis/STD/TB Administration (HAHSTA) is the Regional Grantee on behalf of the Washington, D.C. Eligible Metropolitan Area (EMA). The Washington, D.C. EMA is comprised of the District of Columbia

and neighboring counties: Suburban and Rural Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Rural West Virginia. HAHSTA is the HIV/AIDS Administrator for Suburban Maryland. This region includes Prince George’s County, Calvert County, and Charles County.
Allocating Funds
HUD distributes HOPWA funds using a statutory formula that relies on AIDS statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Three quarters of HOPWA formula funding is awarded to qualified states and Metropolitan areas with the highest number of AIDS cases. One quarter of the formula funding is awarded to Metropolitan areas that have a higher than average per capita incidence of AIDS.
Housing Services and Housing Information for Persons living with HIV/AIDS
The Housing Counseling Services, Inc. (HCS) administers the Metropolitan Housing Access Program (MHAP), the centralized source for housing services and housing information for persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the District of Columbia, Prince George's County, and Charles County. MHAP services differ depending on where you live. Find out which MHAP services are available in Prince George's County, Maryland: http://housingetc.org/metropolitan-housing-access-program-mhap-prince-georges-county-md/ or contact the Housing Counseling Services, Inc. at 202-667-7006 for more information.