Winter Weather Hub

A wintry mix of snow, sleet, and rain is expected this weekend. Please visit the winter weather hub for the latest updates on County operations and services.

Visit the Hub

About DPW&T

The Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) is responsible for nearly 2,000 miles of County-maintained roadways that range from rural to urban classifications. The transportation infrastructure includes 900 bridges, as well as shoulders, sidewalks, curbs/gutters, stormwater management facilities, driveway aprons and nearly 3,000 acres of grassy area -- all of which are maintained by staff of the Department. DPW&T’s workforce keeps the County’s various services moving by performing a myriad of activities among which include removing snow and ice from County-maintained roadways, upgrading traffic signals, installing street lights, clearing fallen trees, unclogging drainage inlets and maintaining stormwater management facilities, as well as performing roadway repairs ranging from potholes and sidewalk trip hazards to bridge repairs and resurfacing projects, as well as everything else in between.