Winter Weather Hub

A wintry mix of snow, sleet, and rain is expected this weekend. Please visit the winter weather hub for the latest updates on County operations and services.

Visit the Hub

Board of Education Task Force

The Prince George’s County Board of Education Task Force is established to study and review the duties, responsibilities, powers, and composition of the Prince George’s County Board of Education. During its public meetings, the Task Force will host experts, advocates, internal and external stakeholders, and others to gather information to fulfill the mission of the Task Force. The Task Force will provide written recommendations no later than January 14th, 2022, and will be comprised of a cross-section of Prince George’s County, including members of the community, Prince George’s County Schools, and individuals with expertise, specialties, and relevant backgrounds who can provide insightful and useful input.

Taskforce Meetings

Date YouTube Watch Link
November 10, 2021 Watch November 10 Meeting
November 17, 2021 Watch November 17 Meeting
December 1, 2021 Watch December 1 Meeting
December 8, 2021 Watch December 8 Meeting
December 15, 2021 Watch December 15 Meeting
December 21, 2021 Watch December 21 Meeting
January 12, 2021 Watch January 12 Meeting
January 19, 2021 Watch January 19 Meeting
February 2, 2022 Watch February 2 Meeting