Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast
On behalf of County Executive Angela Alsobrooks,

We are proud to announce the 2nd Annual Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast. This year’s breakfast will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023, from 9:00 am-11:00 am at Kingdom Fellowship A.M.E. Church located at 11710 Beltsville Drive, Beltsville, MD. This event will bring together faith leaders from Prince George’s County for a moment of interfaith fellowship and worship.
One of our special guest speakers will be Joshua DuBois, Former head of President Obama's faith-based initiative & CEO of Values Partnerships and Gauge.AI Join us for what will be an awesome event co-hosted by radio personality Cheryl Jackson from Praise 104.1FM. Guests will enjoy a plated breakfast while celebrating the work, service, and impact of the faith-based community.
We sincerely hope your organization will consider investing in our community by being a sponsor. Thank you in advance for your support and for believing in the impact and support that the faith community makes on the residents of Prince George’s County. Seating is limited, so please purchase your tickets/sponsorship today!
Rev. Gerald Folsom
Faith-Based Liaison, Office of the Stakeholder Engagement and Affairs
Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast Tickets and Sponsorships
Tickets and sponsorships will sell out, please make your pledge today!
All individual tickets (seats) may be purchased through InstantSeats. Availability of seating is subject to ongoing purchases. Therefore, it is recommended that you review and reserve your seat selection by purchasing the ticket(s) as soon as possible. Once you select the link, you will be leaving Prince George’s County’s website and entering InstantSeats, a secured website for further steps to purchase tickets/seats.
Note: This site is only for individual ticket sales.
Individual Tickets:
- $50 per person (up to 3 tickets)
- Individual tickets go on sale Wednesday, April 5th
- Individual tickets can only be purchased through InstantSeats.
Sponsorships Opportunities:
- $500 - Proud Sponsor - 4 reserved seats, name listed in the program book
- $1,000 - Hope Sponsor – 6 reserved seats, ½ page color ad in the program book
- $2,500 - Devotion Sponsor - 10 reserved seats (1 table), sponsor listing, full-page color ad in the program book
- $5,000 - Faithful Sponsor (4 available) – 20 reserved seats (2 tables), logo recognition in the program book, recognition during the live event, full-page color ad in the program book, opportunity to provide 30-second pre-recorded video to be included during the program, premium seating, signature event gifts for all table guests
Ad Specifications:
- Full page (8.5" wide x 11" tall)
- ½ page (8.5" wide x 5" tall) horizontal format
- All ads must be high resolution and submitted in PDF to cexproudevents@co.pg.md.us no later than Friday, April 21st to be included in the program booklet. No ads will be accepted after April 21st.
Please Note:
All sponsorships must be paid in full by Friday, April 21st and made payable to: Nonprofit Prince George’s (75-3168424) a registered and approved 501c3 fiscal agent and partner organization for Prince George’s County. All donations to Nonprofit Prince George’s are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please contact us to make your sponsorship pledge and for more information at cexproudevents@co.pg.md.us.
Thank you in advance for your review and consideration of this opportunity to show support for the impact that the faith-based community has shown in Prince George’s County. We look forward to your favorable response. If you have additional questions, please contact Rev. Gerald Folsom at 2