Materiel Management
The Materiel Management Section is responsible for stocking, storing, issuing, receiving and centralized inventory management of Prince George's County Government supplies and equipment, asset management, inventory control, along with redistribution and disposal of surplus property.
This section is a diverse delivery activity operating under the guidelines of Subtitle 10a of the County Code and The Procurement Regulations and Laws.
The services offered include:
This section is a diverse delivery activity operating under the guidelines of Subtitle 10a of the County Code and The Procurement Regulations and Laws.
The services offered include:
- Management of more than 4,699 capital assets with an aggregate value of $66.9 million. Assets are tracked as transactions occur and are verified quarterly or every two years as policy dictate.
- Inventory management and warehouse delivery services of more than 860 line items which include boots, building materials, cleaning products, first aid and medical supplies, fire fighting equipment, hand tools, uniforms, and xerographic papers. Through the use of Shopping Carts or online ordering via SAP, agencies can purchase for pickup or direct delivery to over 700 delivery locations. using agencies are charge monthly for all items purchased from the Logistics Center.
- Surplus property sale and disposal is accomplished through a variety of methods: sale at auction, spot bid sales, trade-in, competitive or negotiated sales, transfer to another tax supported entity, or scrapped because of no economic value. Surplus property is any property that is turned in to the Section as excess or forfeited personal property or vehicles.
- County property auctions occur approximately every two weeks and are conducted by a contracted auctioneer firm. Spot bid sales occur approximately every three months at the Logistics Center and are conducted by County employees.
The Materiel Management Section is also the County liaison for the Maryland State Agency for Surplus Property. Agencies interested to utilizing this service should contact the Chief, Materiel Management for details.