Useful Information

  • Child Support Enforcement

    Maryland’s Child Support Enforcement Program enables, encourages, and enforces parental responsibility through innovative programs, partnerships, and technology, thereby contributing to child and family well-being.

  • Department of Corrections, Re-Entry Resource Guide

    Access a list of Prince George’s County Health and Human Services providers.

  • Department of Social Services

    Department of Social Services (DSS) is the state’s human services provider. DSS helps vulnerable Marylanders buy healthy foods, pay energy bills, and obtain medical assistance. DSS also provides stable environments for at-risk children and adults.

  • Health Department

    Prince George's County Health Department is to protect the public's health; assure availability of and access to quality health care services; and promote individual and community responsibility for the prevention of disease, injury and disability.

  • Maryland Community Service Locator

    The Maryland Community Services Locator can provide you with service information, maps, and driving directions to programs.

  • Veterans Affairs

    Veterans of the United States armed forces may be eligible for a broad range of programs and services provided by the Veteran's Association.