Abandoned Vehicle
To report an abandoned vehicle, please contact PGC 311 (301-883-4748), Online, or by email.
Abandoned Vehicle Enforcement & Removal
In accordance with Md. Code, TR § 25-201, the Abandoned Vehicle Unit of the Revenue Authority of Prince George’s County serves the community by identifying and removing abandoned vehicles within the County. This includes any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer that is left unattended for more than 48 hours, displays expired or no registration plates, or is wrecked or dismantled (rendering it inoperable). The Revenue Authority of Prince George’s County administers the Abandoned Vehicle Program on behalf of the Prince George's County Department of the Environment.
Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the last known registered owners’ expense towing company duly licensed by Prince George's County, Maryland.
Roles & Responsibilities
Authorized county agencies, including the Revenue Authority of Prince George’s County, will facilitate the removal of abandoned vehicles from county roads and right of way, as well as address parking violation complaints. County Code: 26-162 & 26-166 allows the county to impound abandoned vehicles and describe the requirement that must be met when doing so.