What other incentives are available for installing solar systems in Prince George’s County?

  • Federal Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit allows for taxpayers to claim a credit of 26% of qualified expenditures for a system that serves a dwelling unit located in the United States that is owned and used as a residence by the taxpayer. Basically, you get 26% of what you paid for your solar system back in the form of a tax credit. For more information, visit: https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program/md/solar
  • The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) offers the Residential Clean Energy Grant Program to eligible Maryland homeowners who have installed qualified clean energy [solar] systems at their homes to receive an award of $1,000. Other system types can receive incentives too! For more information, visit: https://energy.maryland.gov/residential/Pages/incentives/CleanEnergyGrants.aspx/

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