Winter Weather Hub

A wintry mix of snow, sleet, and rain is expected this weekend. Please visit the winter weather hub for the latest updates on County operations and services.

Visit the Hub

Policy Documents

Debt Policy

The Debt Management Program coordinates the issuance of bonds, notes and certificates of participation, at the lowest possible cost, to finance the construction or purchase of capital projects, real estate and equipment and to provide for operating cash needs.

Risk Management

The Risk Management Program administers a comprehensive self-insurance program designed to minimize the County's exposure to risks in the areas of professional, general and automobile liability, fire and casualty losses, and workers' compensation.

Prince George’s County is a self-insured entity. We contract with a third party administrator (TPA) to administer claims made against us. Our current TPA is CorVel. You can reach CorVel by phone at 301-925-4024.

Investment Policy

Policy for the investment of all unexpended or surplus funds of the County.