Prior to Complaint
The owner or other person having an estate or interest in the property sold has the right to redeem the property at any time until the right of redemption is finally foreclosed by an order of the Circuit Court (Section 14-827).
To redeem a property, taxes must be paid only to the tax collector:
- The total tax sale price of the property and
- Any taxes, interest, and penalties accruing after the date of the tax sale.
Payment must be made by certified check, cashier’s check, mortgage company check, money order, or credit card. Credit card payments must be processed in the Treasurer’s Office (cannot be made over the phone).
The rate of interest is set under Section 14-820 and is computed from the date of the tax sale to the date of the redemption payment (Section 14-828). The interest rate, as stated on the certificate of sale, is 20% per annum.
Legal Fees
During the first 4 months after the date of the tax sale, auctioned non-principal residence properties may be redeemed without payment of legal fees. Principal residence properties can be redeemed without paying legal fees during the first 7 months after the tax sale. After the expiration of the 4-month / 7-month period, if the holder of the certificate or his/her representative has notified the Treasury Division (in writing) that legal fees have been incurred, a release is required, in addition to the redemption amount.
After Complaint
The certificate holder can file a complaint to foreclose the right of redemption on an account after 9 months have passed on a principal residence account or 6 months on a non-principal residence account. The certificate holder or his attorney will submit a copy of the case to the Treasury – Tax Sale Unit.
On redemption, the plaintiff or the holder of the certificate of sale may be reimbursed for attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in any action or in preparation for any actions to foreclose the right of redemption as specifically provided in Section 14-843 of the Tax Property Article.
Upon receipt of the redemption amount and attorney’s release/dismissal (if required), the Collector will reimburse the holder of the certificate (Section 14-828).
If an action by the purchaser to foreclose the right of redemption has been filed and there is a dispute regarding redemption, an order of the Court is required (Section 14-829).