Why did I get this citation?
A vehicle registered or leased to you, was photographed by an automatic camera connected to a speed monitoring system. Vehicles exceeding the posted maximum speed limit are detected automatically and two photographs are taken. On each photograph are the date, time, location, and speed of the vehicle when the violation occurred.
Related questions
Automated Speed Enforcement Program (Police)
Yes. You may request to appear in District Court by returning the completed form at the bottom of your violation at least five days prior to the DUE DATE shown on your violation. If you appear in Court, the maximum amount you can be charged is a $40 fine and court costs. You will be notified by mail of the court date. If you do not receive a notice within 30 days, call Prince George's County at 866-979-4824.
The District Court will make any reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. Requests should be directed to the appropriate agency prior to visiting the facility. Prince George's County 866-979-4824. District Court 301-699-2766
On receipt of a written question or concern from a person, the ombudsman shall provide a written answer or response within a reasonable time.
No. This citation is not considered a "moving violation". It is a civil citation holding the registered owner or lessee responsible for the violation (similar to a parking ticket). NO points cab be assessed for this violation and it will not raise your insurance rates!
If you fail to pay the citation and any late fees in full by the due date, your vehicle registration may be flagged and subject to refusal or suspension. If your registration is flagged, you may owe additional flagging fees to Prince George's County and/or to the Maryland Department of Motor Vehicles. (The MVA will assess a MVA flag fee for each flag imposed. This fee must be paid to the MVA and is in addition to the fine and fees due to Prince George’s County).
You may call Prince George's County at 866-979-4824.
An ombudsman is a government official who hears and investigates complaints by private citizens.
The ombudsman can review concerns or questions regarding the County's speed camera program, a speed camera citation, picture quality of the citation, stolen tags/vehicles, transfer of liability, and any other possible concerns on the speed camera citation.