
The Office of Human Rights’ Investigation Division investigates discrimination complaints under the Prince George’s County Code, Subtitle 2, Division 12; Fair Criminal Screening Standards, known as “Ban the Box”; Displace Service Employee Protection; and other Federal anti-discrimination statutes.
We receive and investigate complaints and bring enforcement action involving discrimination under Division 12 of the County Code in the areas of:
- Housing and Residential Real Estate
- Employment
- Law Enforcement (all sworn officers in the county, except county Police Officers)
- Education
- Public Accommodations
- Commercial Real Estate
Those who have been discriminated against on the basis of their: race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, occupation, familial status, marital status, political opinion, personal appearance, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, immigration status, citizenship status, source of income, or criminal record, in the case of employment, may file a claim with our office within 300 days of the occurrence in employment (180 days if it is in area of public accommodation, education, and commercial real estate and within a year if alleging housing discrimination). Claims of harassment in employment must be filed no later than two years after the date of the alleged violation. Please visit our How to File A Discrimination Complaint link to learn more.