Emergency Services Command
The Emergency Services Command keeps people and property safe by helping out in emergencies. It covers fire and rescue operations, emergency medical services, and special tasks like rescuing people from high places or tight spaces, dealing with hazardous materials, and carrying out water rescues.
Emergency Medical Services
The EMS Office does many important things like:
- making sure EMS care is really good,
- studying data and statistics about EMS,
- and sending out Mobile Integrated Health resources to the community.
They also make sure EMS workers know about any updates in how they should help people, put EMS policies and procedures into action, and help with EMS education through the Training and Leadership Academy. The EMS Office makes sure people get the best EMS care possible.
Mobile Integrated Health
To improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare to the citizens of Prince George’s County through efficient, innovative, and integrated multi-agency means.
To ensure that all citizens of Prince George’s County have coordinated access to a health care system that meets their personal needs and to enhance individual health outcomes.
Mobile Integrated Health Resources
Operational Performance Office
The Operational Performance Office makes things work better and helps leaders grow in the Department. It's part of the Emergency Services Command and works on making firefighting better while also encouraging new leaders. It works closely with other parts of the Department including:
- The Training and Leadership Academy
- The Apparatus Maintenance Division
- The Operational Safety Office
Special Operations Division
The Special Operations Division in the Emergency Services Command provides safety and preparedness in many important areas like:
- technical rescue,
- swift water,
- marine assets,
- and hazardous materials.
Together, these areas formed an important specialty division of the Fire/EMS Department.