Winter Weather Hub

A wintry mix of snow, sleet, and rain is expected this weekend. Please visit the winter weather hub for the latest updates on County operations and services.

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Grass and Weeds Removal

Grass and Weeds Removal


1. How can I report overgrown vegetation or right-of-way obstructions? 

To report overgrown vegetation in the public right-of-way, click HERE to submit a service request. 

What does the “public right-of-way” mean? 

The public right-of-way is the area of the roadway designated between the property lines on both sides of the street. While, the right-of-way may vary for different roadway types, it is typically defined as the public space between the outer edges of sidewalk or one foot behind the utility poles located on both sides of the street.  This area is reserved for the County’s maintenance of roadway infrastructure which includes the roadway pavement, curb and gutter, driveway aprons, storm drain inlets, and public utilities, etc.   

3. The grass in front of my home along the sidewalk needs cutting, where do I report this? 

The cutting of grass in developed residential and commercial areas is the responsibility of the property owner in accordance with the Abutter’s Ordinance under the County Code, Sections 23-150 (c-d) and 23-151.  Citizens may submit complaints and report high grass in residential communities to DPIE for investigation and enforcement provisions. 

Does Department of Public Works and Transportation mow on a schedule? 

Yes, the mowing cycle is every 4 – 6 weeks for all major County roadways. 

How do I report tall grass along the county-maintained roadway?

To report excessively high grass and/or weeds (more than 12 inches long) along a County-maintained roadway, click HERE to submit a service request.  Residential and commercial property owners are responsible for mowing the grass in front of their properties.