What are we in Tantallon getting for our Stormwater/Flood Control tax?

County Property Owners pay Ad Valorem and Clean Water Act Fees as follows:

Ad Valorem fees:

5.4 cents per $100 of assessed property value.

Clean Water Act (CWA) fees are applied as follows:

Administrative Fees:

All property parcels (flat fee $20.58 per parcel)

Impact Fees:

Tier One (0.6 *ESU) = $20.90/ESU [RT, R20, R35, RU]

Tier Two (1.0 ESU) = $20.90/ESU [R55, RS, R80, RR, RM]

Tier Three (2.0 ESU) = $20.90/ESU [RE, ROS, RA, RL]

*ESU = Environmental Service Unit

Fees support the following services throughout the County:

SWM public infrastructure operation and maintenance

Water Quality restoration & rehabilitation projects (CIP & CWP programs)

Drainage Relief and flood mitigation projects

Provides funding for Rain Check Rebate and Stormwater Stewardship Grant programs.

Public/Private BMP inspections and compliance

Public BMP maintenance

New Development & Redevelopment project Inspection and Enforcement programs

NPDES Permit Water Quality Monitoring & Reporting requirements

NPDES Illicit Discharge Detection Elimination (IDDE) inspections

Administration of Funds


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