Recycling Tips

  1. Green Cleaning Products

    Many household cleaners contain materials that may be harmful to the environment. For instance, phosphates, found in many cleaners, detergents and soaps, when washed into waterways can cause water blooms of algae and bacteria which can kill fish and aquatic plants. When shopping, look at the labels and make the switch to natural products.

  2. Plastic Number Recycling

    Learn what the numbers on many plastic products mean and how to dispose of them properly, including many packaging materials.

  3. Reuse/Recycling Alternatives

    Here are some sources to consider donating your usable items in good condition to a charitable organization before placing them at the curb or throwing them away.

  4. Source Reduction

    Source reduction, also known as waste prevention, is the practice of eliminating waste before it is created, or essentially, needing less material to get the job done. It comprises the design, manufacture, purchase or use of materials and products to reduce the amount or toxicity of what is thrown away.

Look for the How2Recycle® label on product packaging to help prepare materials for proper recycling.

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When indicated to *Check Locally, view DoE's Waste Toolkit to see what is recyclable in Prince George's County.

Products with the label can include, but are not limited to, toys, personal care, household, pet, clothing, hobby, electronics, food and beverage, and more!


Learn 5 Easy Habits to Keep Plastic Bags/Wraps Out of Our Environment from Plastic Film Recycling.

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